CUFF 2023
Winner of Columbia University's poster contest - a fourth win in a row for Paula - the design headlines the film program's 35th annual film festival, with screenings and events in New York City (including the Lincoln Center) and L.A.
Variations of the design included handout cards, tote bags and digital banners, and are omnipresent in the festival's social media.
The design
"After the many virtual screenings and online-only festival experiences of the past few years, I wanted to focus on the collective moviegoing experience, the spectatorial aspect of film. Watching films with an audience is an inextricable part of the art, it makes it come alive. I wanted the poster to reflect that."
Digitally hand-drawn over hundreds of hours, using Photoshop and a graphic tablet, the design is based on photographer J.R. Eyerman's classic LIFE photograph.
"I was such a fan of Eyerman's photo, and I wanted to create something that reflected the diversity of the film program and of New York City. Drawing felt like the best medium to achieve that, and the New Yorker magazine-like format felt true to the spirit of the city.
It was a joy to create the different characters and the idiosyncrasies and details that set them apart. If you look close enough, you'll find my signature hidden in there!"
CUFF 2023
Gagnant du concours d'affiches de l'Université Columbia - une quatrième victoire d'affilée pour Paula - le design définit l'image de marque du Festival de Film de l'Université Columbia pour sa 35e année. Il sera affiché lors de projections à New York (incluant au Lincoln Center) et à Los Angeles.
Inspiré d'une photo de J.R. Eyerman pour le LIFE Magazine, l'affiche a été dessinée à la main, digitalement, rappelant les couvertures du magazine The New Yorker.